Negative Effects Of Depression

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Negative Effects of Depression Nearly 30,000 Americans commit suicide each year; 650,000 receive emergency treatment after suicide attempt. About 90% of those suicides are due to treatable disorders; the most common which is depression (Aguirre 119). Take another look at those numbers… They are pretty high aren 't they. Just think about it, one of those people could be someone you know, it could even be yourself. Children as young as five years old have been reported to have commited suicide(Aguirre ?). Depression is a topic more people should know about because it can affect anyone at anytime and it can be life threatening. The negative effects of depression can affect your physical, mental/emotional health and even affect you socially. …show more content…

Depression is a serious disorder just by itself but if not treated it can cause more and more issues. Depression can affect the immune system making it harder to fight infections (“ How Depression Affects…”). This means that you can get sick more easily and it will take longer to get back to normal health. People affected by depression might express different concerns, generally they describe having poor sleep and complain of low appetite, low energy, irritability, sadness, and a loss of enjoyment in life (Aguirre 1&2). Ultimaley depression can lead to insomnia or hypersomnia. People 's life on a day to day basis change traumatically and everything is different due to this disorder. Some will stop taking care of themselves and stop grooming, bathing and taking care of other activities of daily life( Aguirre 2). Ultimately this means people to stop caring about themselves, appearance, and their hygiene. As depression gets worse some people may take their pain out on themselves and that causes self harm(Serani). Although depression can cause internal pain, it can also cause external pain due to people harming themselves. …show more content…

One reason for our lack of understanding is that depression affects the most complex organ, the brain. It is not simply the chemicals in the brain but the infinite ways in which the brain nerves talk to each other in response to a person’s environment. Their genetics and theur very thinking that is implicated in depression(Agurrie 2). Depression can really mess up a person’s mental/emotional health severely. There are different types of depression, for example: Bipolar Depression. Bipolar depression refers to someone who has bipolar illness and in his or hers depressed state(Aguirre 2). Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that brings severe high and low moods. When that is mixed with depression it can become very serious. Mood disorders are considered to be along a spectrum of two poles. One pole is depression which is a low sad-feeling, mood state(Aguirre 1). The other pole is mania. Which is a high, elated, an agitated mood(Aguirre 1), People with this illness moods change dramatically, at moment they could be fine and then the next moment they will be in a depressed state. When depression starts affecting you mentally/emotionally people may feel hopeless, helpless and guilty for all the bad things that happen in their lives and the world (Aguirre 2). It will make you feel like everything bad that happens was caused by you and it is like everything is going downhill. People tend