Positive And Negative Effects Of Reconstruction Research Paper

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The period after the Civil War was thought to bring complete peace and better qualities to the United States. Little was known that the Reconstruction period would bring several negative and positive impacts to America, dealing with issues from slavery, presidential quarrels, the assassination of Lincoln, and many more aspects. The Reconstruction era is a part of United States history that until this day still comes into play in various aspects. The Reconstruction period brought difficulties to the slaves who were freed from the Civil War. The “Freedmen”, as they were called, had no education, food or water. Even if they had been given freedom, they were still in horrible circumstances because of the “Southerners” who created the Black Codes …show more content…

Under the presidency of Andrew Johnson, “Black Codes” were created to dominate slaves and African Americans, he decided that every state could make the decision on how to manage these people. This infuriated the Northern population and caused upheaval between the Republican Party who wanted racial equality for everyone. Johnson’s conspiracy and the Republican Party went head to head, and eventually the Republicans gained a win. It wasn’t until a little later where issues went downhill again, the Ku Klux Klan decided to take manner to their own hands and reversed the Reconstruction by using violent motives, all this restoring white …show more content…

Sharecropping was a big aspect where landowners would lend a piece of their land to tenants, and in return they would receive some of the crops from their land. Also, “carpetbaggers” were people who came into the South during the Reconstruction period and were thought to be people who wanted to take advantage of the defeated South by the Republican Party. They played an extremely important role in fixing the South in many aspects. Segregation was also coming into play at this time, because White did not want to give up anything to colored people. Whites wanted a place for themselves and to be separate from the rest of the race, of course this was difficult because they lived in one whole country. The Civil Rights movement came into play and things got better for colored people, but it was still not the best-case scenario until later