Dbq Essay On Reconstruction

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“Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth” (Abraham). The United States of America went through many changes at the conclusion of the Civil War. The never ending evolution of our nation was certainly moving at a very fast pace. During the years of 1861 - 1865 the Civil War was taking place on the grounds of the United States. The war was a battle between the north and south, due to the controversial topic of slavery. As we know, the concluding factor of the war, left the north in victory. This created a massive amount of changes to be made in American society. Although slavery was abolished during this time, other challenges arose during the reconstruction era in the south. I strongly argue that, through the result of the …show more content…

During the Reconstruction Era of the United States, many influential people played a huge role in the nation's ability to regenerate. President Abraham Lincoln, foresaw all of the damage done due to the Civil War. Although the damage had already been done, the accomplishment of the abolishment of slavery was established. Lincoln, had a strong desire to change the country, he did this by announcing his plans for the Reconstruction Era. Through this, he developed the Ten Percent Plan, which stated that a southern state could be readmitted into the union once ten percent of the voters agreed. The bigger picture of this plan was to, eliminate any further issues between the north and south. Lincoln strongly feared that if the war continued, both sides would continue to grow further apart. Following his plan came one of the most important amendments in the United States history, the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment. This amendment stated the abolishment of slavery. The ratification of this created a whole new world for African Americans as well as for the whites. Many slaves did not initially know how to deal with this immediate freedom. Some began to be