Positive And Negative Word Of Mouth In The Restaurant Industry

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Factors Affecting Positive and Negative Word Of Mouth In Restaurant Industry

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful, who is the entire source of all knowledge and wisdom endowed to mankind and who bounteously blessed me such environment and resources, which enabled me to complete this research successfully.

I deem it my utmost pleasure to avail this opportunity and express gratitude and deep sense of obligation to my supervisor MS ………. for his valuable guidance, scholarly criticism, untiring help, compassionate attitude, kind behavior and moral support.

I offer my deepest sense of gratitude, profound respect and tribute to all those teachers who have enlightened my knowledge throughout my academic career and guidance throughout research work. I am also Thankful to all participant to give the feedback through Questionnaire. My sincere thanks go to my parents and Wife for their love and support throughout my life. Finally, I would say thanks to all who have been supportive and cooperative to me during my research work.

The Purpose of this is to evaluate the positive and negative Word-of-mouth (WOM) in restaurant industry. This project is to examine the factors of food quality, service quality as well as restaurant environment that influenced customer positive and negative Word-of-mouth (WOM) towards fast food restaurant in Pakistan.
To accomplish the objectives of this project, questions and