Positive Culture In The Workplace

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The culture of the organization expresses its unique personality, character and philosophy. It also tells the story of the organization. Positive culture cultivates the human competencies required for the company to thrive in the long term. Further, positive cultures have widely shared, people-centred values that guide managers and employees to act with stakeholders best interests (Lowe, 2012). Each day we are handling new information and rules, more places and people and more tools. The borders defining in the workplace or the job are no longer limited to a physical location, neither a set of people you can easily manage nor information model that is defined and tangible. This new paradigm can increase new problems that need to be handled …show more content…

It includes the organizational structure, internal practices and type of the industry (Klenke, 2004). If people have a good networking within the organization, there is an opportunity of being recommended for higher positions. Since you have earned their trust and merit can be assured (Pritchard & Grant, 2015). However, more than women, men like to have some career support initiatives from the organization while both men and women consider their employers to be moderately effective at delivering each initiative. There are occasions where women, would like their employers to be more than moderately effective (Wyman, …show more content…

Simultaneously, as stated in the above by Maddock, (1999) culture attitudes determine the values needed by the leaders and influence the leading management styles in an organization. No major studies have been carried in Sri Lanka about organizational cultural values. Therefore, the culture also could be a supporting factor to women workforce in Sri Lankan to perform well in the banking industry. However, with an understanding the areas of the culture and how supportive of women employees, the author decided to consider culture as an independent factor to identify the relationship with women employees’

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