Positive Impact Of Internet In Education

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For obvious reasons, it should be noted that the impact of Internet access on on-campus instruction is still very low for various reasons: The technology threatens the existence of the traditional practices. This thought was supported by Brownand Duguid (1996). It differs also in population the influence of internet in the students’ academic performance. Some research studies come up with the result that there is no significance effect of using internet but other studies confirmed the effect of using Internet according to Ehrman (1995). According to P. Ogedebe of 2012, internet is indeed a powerful tool for the students and teachers. The influence of internet shows that it could give a negative and positive effect to the users.
Based on the study of S. Carter, K. Greenberg and M. Walker, they present results from a study that prohibited computer devices in randomly selected classrooms of an introductory economic course at the United States Military academy. Using two separate treatment arms, the researchers uncover the evidence that occurs in classrooms wherein laptops and tablets are allowed to use.
In this research that was conducted by O. Eme, M. Emmanuel, and O. Ernest, they said that the results of the study shows that Computer Studies has positive impact in the teachings and learning process in secondary schools in Umuahia North Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria. From the findings, the computer level of the teachers was slightly higher that the students.