Technology Dbq

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Modern society has revolutionized the way in which we use technology. Our daily lives seem to be jam-packed with television, computers, and cell phones. Not only have people become more distracted in the workplace or at home, but they have become more distracted in the classroom. Some claim that technology has educational benefits, yet others believe this is simply absurd and that technology creates more problems than it diminishes. Back in the day, students didn’t have the technological luxuries we now own. They went after their school work the old-fashioned way. Using loose-leaf notebook paper, massive textbooks, and even typewriters, students learned to complete the task on hand without diverting to a text message or looking up a word on …show more content…

Teachers, trying to relate to those same students, need merely accept the technology as an improvement of this day in age. Tim Wilson, an employee in technology integration, understands this concept (Source B). When teachers and students are able to relate to one another, it makes learning easier. Internet forums for discussion, blogs in which to write, and computer based quizzes/tests are all ways that teachers can lessen the gap between themselves and their students. Some argue that this new technology promotes short attention spans and lack of appreciation for the historical arts (Source E). Without the correct guidance, this statement may hold true for some students, but if teachers recognize that technology, like anything else, must be monitored and used only in proper context, that danger disappears. Technology can even be blended with traditional learning in order to maximize efficiency. Students could be asked to read a work of classic literature such as Shakespeare and later be asked to post on an online discussion board about their interpretations and reading experiences. In the end, students will learn more through technology because it provides a setting in which they are able to understand and relate to the information. Still, other critics of technology in school argue that technology hinders creativity and imagination (Source C). Without any organization, the abundance of information available could be overwhelming and therefore stifle creativity, however if children are expected to think and create their own thoughts and ideas, using the technological sources only as a supplement or means by which to increase efficiency, imagination will not be sacrificed. With the information age, comes the potential for new and useful methods of teaching. Yet in order to attain the most benefits from the new possibilities, teachers must still be willing to teach and therefore act as a