Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Essay

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Today’s youth is constantly reminded of the positive aspects of the military; being brainwashed with slogans like ‘fight for your country’ and ‘make your country proud’. Yet no one stops to think what kind of life that soldier lives when they return. Soldiers are considered to be heroes as they risk their lives to fight for their country. However, what few people seem to realize is that a soldier's war is fought much further than the battlefield. It is fought in their everyday lives during and after their time served. Thousands of veterans are not able to leave the horrors of war on the battlefield. They bring the combat home and re-experience it in their minds every day. Post-traumatic stress disorder is the reason why these courageous military …show more content…

This disease affects at least 20% of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can effect a soldier in many ways; both mentally and physically and it can have a profound effect on their lives and others around them. It is an extremely debilitating condition that can even bring the strongest of people to their knees.

War changes people. It leaves injuries, both physical and mental. We have developed a limitless amount of weapons to slaughter and mutilate, superior armour as are counteractive and remarkable treatments to heal an injured soldier. While we are able to treat physical injuries acquired in combat what about the treatment for an often invisible injury like post traumatic stress disorder? Where is the armour for the mind? How can a doctor heal the mind of a soldier that is scarred from what he’s witnessed at war?

Yet the greater question to be addressed is what is being done for these militants? What is the government doing for these courageous men and women who have sacrificed everything for their country? The answer is absolutely nothing. Shockingly 70% of applications for veteran benefits are either declined or sent back to be redone. In exchange for their service, members of the military should be provided with the care they need, care that is necessary for their