Post World War Multilateralism

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Multilateralism is the principle of participation of three or more parties, mostly governments of different countries. Multilateralism is largely a post-world war 2 element of U.S foreign policy. If one country decides to help another country that is in need of help from that country providing the help, maybe more countries will decide to jump in and provide anymore necessary help they can give. In world war 2, america was pulled in a multilateralism with Great Britain and France and others in a real cooperative alliance. After the war ended, the U.S became involved with many more multilateralism diplomatic, economic, and humanitarian activities. U.S joined the war victors in creation of,
The World Bank and The International Monetary Fund, 1944
The United Nations, 1945
The World Health Organization (WHO), 1948
Foreign Policy- A government's strategy in dealing with other nations. …show more content…

Intergovernmentalism focuses on the importance of member states in the process of creating EU- wide regulations. NATO was founded by USA, France, Canada, Italy, Norway, and 23 more countries. This organization was created by a bunch of countries to safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. The organization was created april 4, 1949. Examples like NATO are reasons why they could solve some world problems and make things better for everyone. Countries could make an organization with treaties that could help all the countries involved and make it to their advantage to helping or keeping the peace in the world. EU is a good example, it has a lot of support and power from countries making it more powerful than the country it was created