Post Ww2 Dbq Essay

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Several social changes in the post-war years opened women to feminism's message. P. 2, The demand for a larger and more skilled labor pool generated by the Cold War, and postwar consumer economy were the driving force cause American society to become more open to feminism’s message. No doubt WW II created the demand for expanded women’s roles in the workplace, Document 1. Having proved their equal abilities during the war, they stood ready willing and able to contribute moving forward. Nevertheless attitudes toward women staying in the workforce after World War II were not favorable. Communism, “the red scare” and the mistrust of women's associations with socialist labor movements to gain legal status all combined to keep women held …show more content…

These influences enabled an initially small group to find ways to move hundreds of thousands and to effect significant change. Lesbians were particularly encouraged by the civil rights movement to begin organizing for the purpose of intergrating homosexuals into society Document 4. Most notably however, it was the Civil Rights Movement that opened the door for women to be more open to feminism's message (Document 5). The Civil Rights Act also caused women to be more open to feminism's message because it enabled a realignment of women's politics Document 8. Also, passage of the Equal Rights Amendment era recognizing women were entitled to full citizenship played a role Document 9. Freedom to control one's body through through sexual intercourse Was another option that opened women to feminism's message as well as other General freedoms. The idea however that women could have sex as they wanted created a confusing situation in that it was harder for women to say no to sex even if they did not want it. “Sexual politics” became a term and as early as 1949 as illustrated in Document 2, “women are household …show more content…

Among several mainstream cultural changes Women were responsible for or efforts that led to a new awareness of domestic violence long protected by the legal doctrine of home privacy Document 28. Interesting, where lesbians and heterosexual women had clashed over some opinions they seem to both agree with regard to violence against women, particularly rape. By 1970-71 feminist we're labeling rape as a form of terrorism to keep them subordinate, Document 19. Substantial progress was made in this area then his forever altered mainstream American culture and institutions with regard to shelters for battered women, legal advice, Child Care, Counseling, and help in locating housing and employment. Equally important contributions came with respect to the role that lesbians had played to end violence against women. These efforts were rewarded in the sense that because lesbians were seen as having done a “good work” Homophobic fears began to subside within the ranks of women. Lesbians gained I respect they had not enjoyed before as heterosexual activist chain to appreciate their arguments and saw for themselves how lesbian baiting have been used to stifle the female self-assertion. Because of the growing women's movement in the early 1970s Congress was forced to passed more legislation for women's rights than ever before or since. Document 13 illustrates

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