Poverty And Profit In The American City Analysis

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“Poverty and Profit in the American City”, as described by Matthew Desmond, a Harvard sociologist; within His book Evicted. Within this book describes the harsh realities of the American people who struggle day-to-day providing a shelter over their families’ heads. Not getting enough from the economy, but putting a lot into it creates problematic issues and disputes between renters and landlords. Although this may not be a struggle you as reader can relate to, but it is worth a reading to receive intake on the problems American Cities face today. Evicted is a book that explains the reality from those who are victims to poverty from those who profit off of those victims. This is done by retelling the dramatic experiences of those who were …show more content…

He was able to point out the fact that poverty isn’t just the inability to hold a job and to care for one self and/or family, but how much the economy expects one to give up, when the economy gives so little. Having cost of living high and over ones head, affects how much they will have left for themselves after paying for those cost of living. Majority of those interview within the book, shows how much of their total income goes into bills and leaving them with approximately $2.00 a day to live off of. Approximately 89% of ones income goes into rent, leaving only about 11% for other usage. Poverty doesn’t mean on is homeless, it simply means that one doesn’t have enough to afford the cost of living that is expected by the economy. Anybody can be put into this situation, that’s Desmond point of writing this book. When eviction was an able normal thing, it is now becoming a normal thing within the cities of America. Desmond gives a very personal and truthful look into today’s problems in society. Allowing readers to be face to face upon issue we quickly discard, when the uncomfortable topic is. His works shows, no matter how well off a state is, there is always issues within their inner cities where it’s people suffer. Poverty is something that we cannot avoid. His works exploits the economy through the suffering of its people. Such as how landlord Tobin can declare $450,000 from his trailer park rentals, when his tents struggle to pay their share of $425 of rent. Desmond promises to explain the understanding of poverty, but also goes in depth of problematic issues that occurs with poverty. Some problems that reside in poverty when it comes to rental agreements are discrimination to those with kids, how landlords get penalize for noise complaints, those who settle towards drug use during low times and become addicted, and how eviction leads to the search to shelters, etc. Poverty doesn’t only