Poverty And Unemployment In India

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The important problem concerning the empowerment of the economically backward class is poverty and unemployment. The poverty line divides the poor from the non-poor. Basic minimum things required are proper consumption levels of food, clothing, shelter, fuel and health care, etc. Poverty eradication, is, therefore a very important factor in India. No nation can afford to leave behind half of its population in its march towards progress and prosperity.

Poverty is complex and multidimensional. Unemployment is one of the biggest problems that are confronting the Indian society. Hence Poverty and Unemployment are pervasive problems in India. Around one third of the people do not have the basic resources for survival. Government resources, in any case, can hardly be termed as sufficient to meet the requirements of the people. The battle against poverty and unemployment, therefore, need to be thought of. But the poor have a strong desire and innate capabilities to come out of poverty. They are entrepreneurial as positively observed by NRLM (2010).

The Independent South Asian Commission (1992) opines that where the poor participate as subjects and not as objects of the development process, it is possible to generate growth, human development and equity, not as mutually exclusive trade-offs but as complementary elements in the same.
Prof. Mohammed Yunus (2003) said that the poor themselves can create a poverty-free world all we have