Social Inequality In Ecuador

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Poverty is general scarcity or dearth, or the state of one who lacks a certain amount

of material possessions or money. It is a multifaceted concept, which includes social,

economic, and political elements. Poverty seems to be chronic or temporary, and most

of the time it is closely related to inequality.

Poverty has existed since the beginning of time. Anyone who has less or when being

compared to someone who has more, is considered poor but living in poverty is

different in today’s terms.It is the state of being extremely poor. Inequality also, has

existed since life was discovered but in a quite different way than we see now.

The world has seen a rapid reduction in extreme poverty in the recent decades. But

what the world …show more content…

Until the Spanish conqured it in 1533, Ecuador was a part of the Northern Incan

Empire. The country lost parts of their territory in a series of conflicts with the

neighboring countries. The Republic of Ecuador has 40 years of civilian governance

but more recently, there has been political instability due to protests in Quito against

the recent past presidencies. The country’s 20th constitution was adopted in 2008. The

country re-elected President Rafael Correa in the most recent elections. He has been a

promising revolution and has promised a social benefit to the poor all along his

presidency. Despite the remarkable growth due to the oil boom in the 1970s, poverty

in Ecuador is still extensive.

Dstribution of income is clearly not equal in the country as roughly 35 percent of the

population (around 4 million) is living in poverty. 1.5 million Ecuidorians are living

in such extreme poverty, that they can’t even reach their daily nutritional

requiremments even if they spend only on food. Not only Ecuador, but most of the

Latin American countries live like this. Poverty levels are either increasing or …show more content…

4. Developing national poverty reduction plans. The governments of all the

developing countries must follow their commitments with action taken to achieve the

goals through national poverty reduction plans. Strategic and well- supported

approaches to ending extreme poverty would authorize ownership over the way that

private, public and aid resources are allocated, allotted, assigned and used.

5. Linking national poverty reduction goals to inclusive growth. The governments

of all the countries with poverty and extreme poverty must work with partners across

different sectors – including businesses, private sector institutions, donors, aid

agencies, public departments and ministries. Coordination is critical and very

important for transparent, accountable, and effective delivery of the resources.

6. Latin America has a lot of child labour in various areas. Unemplyment also seems

to be a growing issue. The employers can be encouraged to hire the unemployed

instead of the children. The eligible members of the family can work and he children

can be sent to a government or any education

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