Poverty In Honduras

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Introduction Honduras is located in the heart of Central America, with a population of about 8.5 million inhabitants (source). Although in the past decade the economy had been improving, various political anomalies have been shaking the economy lately. It is known to everyone that Honduras is a third world country and that it has some serious poverty issues. Poverty is highly denoted in the rural areas of the country. This problem affects about 60 % of the population and there are many private and non-profit organizations that want to help lower this percentage. The Inter-American Development Bank is inviting proposals from Central American countries for development projects. Honduras may well benefit from this and help those rural areas …show more content…

The chart below shows, as a percentage, the amount of unemployed people peer every hundred active Hondurans who are either unemployed or actively seeking for employment. With employment comes which is the most immediate solution to poverty. As well money earned is usually money that will flow back again into the economy, by the purchase of different products such as edibles or constriction materials. This expenditures basically are also boosting the overall economic growth and economic health of the country. (Source, …show more content…

Basically the building of facilities in rural areas to allocate those who have nothing to put on their heads every day, with the contribution of the Inter-American Development Bank, should bring both, sources of employment for those in need of one and a shelter for those who are even less fortunate. It is really one of the most viable solutions to reduce the poverty levels in the country. The constructions of this facilities should provide thousands of employments. Building a structure is not quite an easy task, there is a great need for workforce. One of the advantages of construction is that the workers that are hired for the manual labour don’t really need to have as many skills as the ones that are supervising and controlling the whole operation. This means that people who would usually not get a job because of their lack of studies or abilities, might be welcomed in this type of job, giving them an opportunity to create income. As well as for those who have a degree in the area, and are struggling to find jobs due to the competitiveness of the market, a perfect opportunity will be present in order for them to