Kontiki Crocheting Project Case Study

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Starting a business and obtaining a job are often seen as solutions to addressing one of the most predominant socioeconomic challenges, poverty (International Labor Organization, 2014). Poverty affects approximately 1 billion individuals with rates exceeding 40% in small developing countries like that of Belize (World Bank, 2011). Living in an increasing globalized world allows Multinational Corporations (MNCs) to establish chains across the globe, creating employment for hundreds of thousands of individuals; however, there is a(n) [perception of] imbalance of benefits, resulting in inequality. This reiterates the importance of developing solutions that are inclusive and sustainable to address these socioeconomic challenges.
Belize, a small developing country, located in both Central America and the Caribbean is heavily reliant on the tourism sector resulting in seasonal employment. This highlights the importance of stimulating economic growth through private sector development and …show more content…

Dreams in Our Hands produces a variety of crochet products utilizing recycled materials and are skilled seamstresses. The project entailed four major components: the purchase of equipment and materials, training in business management, training in advanced crocheting and sewing, and technical assistance from a designer. The project was implemented over a period of six (6) months, where the group transitioned from an informal group of ladies to formally establishing themselves as a business. They have been operating as a small business within the community and have been actively seeking new markets to sell their products. Discussed in the following sections are the inception of the business, the implementation of the project, the role of the credit union, successes, challenges, and