Poverty In The United States Essay

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Poverty in the U.S

The general meaning of poverty means the state of being extremely poor. In the U.S, poverty can be determined by a set of money income threshold that vary by family size and composition. If a family's total income is less than the family's threshold, then that family and every individual in it is considered in poverty. According to the U.S government, a family of four is living in poverty in the U.S if they are making less than $23,021 a year. Poverty look very different in the U.S compared to country like India. They literally do not have food to eat but it’s a bit complicated in America because even though the welfare system is not very good, people don’t actually have mass starvation. It’s about a lack of necessities and a lack of security, an uncertainty as to how you’re going to pay your most elementary bills. Newly unemployed …show more content…

Poverty is the primary cause of child abuse and as a result many children are removed from their homes. According to the National Coalition for Child Protection Reform (NCCPR), state laws define neglect in such a way that it is clear that neglect is caused by the poverty. The federal government’s Third National Incidence Study of Child Abuse and Neglect(NIS-3) compared families with an annual income of under $15,000 families with an income over $30,000. By the findings abuse is 14 times more and neglect is 44 times more common in poor families .The study emphasized that the findings “cannot be likely explained on the basis of the higher visibility of lower income families to community professionals.” These studies also show that all subjects are equally open to public scrutiny. Those who abuse children are tend to be the “ poorest of he poor”. Child abuse is linked to stress and it is well known that poor families are more stress than rich