
Power And Control In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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Kill the pig! Cut his throat! Kill the pig! Bash him in! (Golding 114). After the democracy, that the boys created, is ruined, most of the boys were reduced to savages. The social power of relationships of power and control in William Golding’s Lord of The Flies wrote in 1954, is found everywhere throughout the novel. While reading the Lord of The Flies book, we learned that when someone has absolute power, it can destroy all. A symbol of control at the beginning of the novel is the conch shell that Piggy finds. Another symbol of power and control are the shelters they built and the map they formed which created a sense of safety and organization. A third symbol of power that became a weapon, is Piggy’s glasses. These symbols of power and control are developed and woven into the Lord of The Flies. In the beginning, Piggy finds a conch shell which he gives more purpose to than just making a loud noise. He decides that anyone who is holding the conch during the meetings is the one to speak. Ralph decides, “I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak.” (Golding 33). Golding shows the power of the conch after Ralph’s election as leader. The boys exclaimed, “Let’s vote for chief!” (Golding 22). The boys get power while holding …show more content…

After Ralph is voted leader, he decides they need shelter (Golding 52). Building the shelters gives everyone a purpose, builds civilization, and makes the little ones feel more protected and safe at night, “You’ve noticed, haven’t you? They’re frightened.” (Golding 52). With the shelters there, the boys have a place they can call home. The map also helps solidify their civilization and Ralph’s power. The map helps the boys who are afraid of looking around (Golding 27). “We ought to draw a map,” said Ralph (Golding 27). All of this organization that Ralph creates is the symbol for making a democracy. Everyone should have the right to live free and not be afraid of

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