Power Control Theory Essay

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5.3. Criminological theories to explain the offender’s behaviour

John Hagan as well as Gillis and Simpson developed the power control theory in 1985, by using micro and macro-level abstract ideas to explain delinquency in relation to gender differences (Mitchell, 2009:12). Schram and Tibbetts (2013:201) states that the power control theory presumes that gender relations in the family structure will determine the degree of delinquency and the involvement in crime between males and females. Furthermore, this theory presumes that the family structure, gender differences as well as class position will determine the degree of deviant behaviour that will be present in males and females (Anon, 2016:1). John Hagan as well as Hagan’s colleagues was of the opinion that a difference in parenting styles as well as the amount of control used to raise boys and girls will intimately result in the socio-cultural gender divergence (Hadjar, Baier, Boehnke & Hagan, 2007:35).

According to Anon (2016:1), there is a large difference between males and females when investigating criminal behaviour, males predominantly commit more violent crimes and commit more crime in general. The power control theory presumes that males are given more freedom when being raised, thus they are more likely to take risks and become involved in deviant behaviour (Hadjar et al, 2007:34). In contrast, women experience a stricter upbringing, thus, women take less risks (Hadjar et al, 2007:34).