Power Hungry In Macbeth

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Those who work diligently in the face of a problem work harder and remain humble in order to overcome the issue at hand. Others who are power hungry, however, remain selfish and greedy. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth, the Macbeth’s were modest and worked hard for what they wanted- which was power. When it is achieved, the power consumes them and controls their actions. Adversity causes Macbeth to work harder and use the help of the other men around him, yet when he ultimately acquires the power he is searching for, it goes to his head, causing him to act in violence by murdering those who he believes stand in his way. Macbeth encounters three witches who deliver prophecies, involving him, which influence his ambitious behavior. He struggles with how to interpret the …show more content…

They will stop at nothing, including murder, to gain power. While speaking with Lady Macbeth, Macbeth says, “for mine own good, All causes shall give way. . .” (3.4.170-171). He has come too far and done too much damage to quit now. He explains that he must continue down the path to power, and he must keep himself clean the whole way. Lady Macbeth is worried about Macbeth’s will and ability to do the things they set out to do, which is murder those who stand in the way of their goals. She says, “how easy it is then! Your constancy hath left you unattended” (2.2.89-90). She informs Macbeth that she does not believe he will be able to complete the tasks and also comments about how courage is no longer a prominent trait she sees within Macbeth. After the murders and seizing the throne, the Macbeth’s are not happy with how they came to be. One night, as Lady Macbeth is sleepwalking, a doctor observes and explains, “what a sigh is there! The heart is sorely charged” (5.1.52), which means Lady Macbeth is heavily burdened with something. Something so horrible occurred in Lady Macbeth’s life that she is visibly