Power In Animal Farm

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Once someone is in power they’ll look at the people in a different way than they did before. Also they’ll start to suspect that their friends will become their enemies and come up with a plan to get rid of them. In Animal Farm george orwell teaches us that power in the wrong hands is extremely dangerous and those in power can break and make new laws. The animals have been through bad and good things but sometimes it just gets even worse. Although knowledge and education can bring about great changes.
First these animals start at a bad start because jones the farmer is treating them unfairly, but then someone steps up and over throne's Jones and now the animals rule the farm. In this book napoleon discriminate the other animals for not being …show more content…

Napoleon made the animals work hard to earn a reward. No matter what napoleon did squealer was always there to convince the other animals by telling a lie for example: “Comrades!’’ he cried. “You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples”(35). The animals would believe anything squealer said because at the end of his comments he would say “Surely there is no one who wants to see jones come back”(36) at that would get the others to stop talking about whatever was wrong because they all didn’t it to go back to the way it was when Farmer jones owned the …show more content…

Napoleon took puppies a trained them to obey his every word and he always brought the puppies around with him because if anyone tried to go up against him he could used his little army. Before napoleon came to power they had rules but sooner or later those rules were changed because more words were added on. “Any animal caught singing it was given a flogging on the spot”(39-40) this is what happens when the animals defied him by singing the Beasts of England. The sheep were the dumbest animals on the farm because they couldn’t think for themselves and who ever had the greatest power they would follow. The sheep kept saying a little chant before napoleon came into power and it was “ Four legs good, two legs bad”(47) but when he was in power the chant he taught the sheep was “Four legs good, two legs