Power In Macbeth Essay

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The idea of power can encourage people to behave in ways that they would not normally. In one of Shakespeare’s greatest works ‘Macbeth’, the idea of power runs rife throughout the play. The idea of power also runs all throughout Michael Grant's ‘Gone’ series. The idea of power is that of progressing further whether it be through a hierarchy sequence like Macbeth or having power thrust upon oneself like Sam Temple in Gone. ‘Absolute power corrupts absolutely’.

The idea of power can encourage people to behave in ways that they would not normally. Power and progression can influence how we respond to situations if personal gain is at stake. In Shakespeare's ‘Macbeth’ when an opportunity for Macbeth to seize power arises, it is Lady Macbeth’s …show more content…

Sam fears the dark, but he has the power to create light. During a period of time, the FAYZ wall’s become impenetrable so that no light can enter. Sam voices his thoughts metaphorically, pondering if he is making the right decision. “In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. But in the darkness, the one man holding a candle is a target.” This clearly shows the greed of humans. Our greatest weakness. We want what we don’t have. The pasture is always greener on the other side. The metaphorical statement really pulls through to the reader. With the added context of the storyline, the line clearly voices the main characters fears. That he will be smote down out of sheer greed and fear. The first line shows that he has power for his ability to make other people see. The ability to anticipate something whether it be danger or a sharp turn in the road is the single greatest asset of a human, for without sight, nothing would be accomplished. The second line however voices the opinion that not everyone wants to be led. Some people are led by greed, Sam’s power is wanted by every single member of the FAYZ and with the situation as dire as it is, people may see the option of taking Sam and his power for themselves as the right one. The lengths people will go for power are extraodinary. Nothing is too far, too extreme for someone pursuing ower forr anything and everything is