
Power, Morality And Evil In William Shakespeare's Macbeth

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Macbeth is a play written by William Shakespeare from 1599-1606. It is believed that it was first performed in the year 1606 at Hampton Court Palace before King James I and his guests. One of the unfamiliar facts about Macbeth is that the real Macbeth also existed. He was the king of Scotland between 1040 -1057. He also killed Duncan to become a king, but Shakespeare did not use all the historical facts, just the basic elements. First print version of the play showed up in 1623. It is the last, and the shortest one of four Shakespeare’s big tragedies. Many critics consider it the darkest work of Shakespeare in general. Macbeth is a play about power, ambition, courage, evil, but this paper is about changes. How a man can change when a chance …show more content…

Or to put it more simple, sense of what is god and what is wrong. Macbeth’s conscience, in this play, is changing throughout the play .He ends up doing terrible crimes, which at the beginning of the play seems unimaginable. For most of the play, he is in constant fight with himself what to do or not do, but he always chooses the less moral deed. His ambition is born at the moment when King Duncan declared him as the new Tane of Cawdor. One of the predictions, that witches made, came true. Maybe he didn’t think about it before ,maybe the witches awakened his ambition.He is starting to think that everything is possible, even to become a king. Just the idea that he could become a king excites him. His attention is shift to his possible success, and his way of thinking …show more content…

From this monologue it is obvious that Macbeth sees highly of Duncan,and also Duncan is Macbeth’s cousin. He considers him a god man, and that makes it even more difficult for Macbeth. As he said he is his kinsman and his subject, and Macbeth knows that this would be a betrayal towards Ducan and kingdom. Lady Macheth is selfish,cruel,without conscience.She is stronger than her husband and more male than him. She is a good manipulator and she knows what is her job. Lady Macbeth’s monologue ,from the scene I, is showing that Macbeth does not possesses enough cruelty, and that his consciense, at that point, would prevent him to go with the act of murdering Duncan. She says: What thou art promised: yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of human kindness She knows that Macbeth will not kill Duncnan unless she influences him. After the murder Macbeth is not thinking clearly, he is scared and he feels guilt. The effect that Duncan murder left on Macbeth is best seen right after the murder. He is not able to say amen and that is his conscience telling him that what he did was wrong.

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