Power Of Women In The Middle Ages Essay

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The middle ages for most of the women didn’t have lots of power compared to the men. There were certain women that would have more power than other women because of the social classes they are in. The women’s job in the middle ages was to get married and do most of the housework. The men during the time would almost always dominate over the women.

Women during the time wouldn't receive any education at all unless they are nuns or have converted to nuns they would then be able to receive decent amount of education. Middle ages marriages in lower social classes as in peasants are usually arranged by their parents.After marriage most of the women would dress more plain to not to draw any attraction to herself. After the marriage the women would lose all the power in the household to her husband. Most women during the time would own land that is past down to them by their father and later would be forced to give up to their husband. The women would usually tend the children, husband and do the chores around the house while the men would be able to go out and earn money for the family. Peasant women would get married extremely young and give birth during a young age and would die around the age of 25. Some …show more content…

For example, some women in the Middle Ages would convert into nuns instead of getting married. The women would convert to a nun at a young age. Most women that would convert into being a nun would come from a rich household. Instead of becoming a nun, the women would convert into a hermitess where they would keep out of the any society issues or state secluded they like to have their own privacy. For them church wasn’t one of their interests so they converted into a hermitess. The other religious women would convert to is beguines where the women would take temporary vows that dedicate herself into good deeds. Then later on women would just renounce her vows and marry to a men right