
Power Politics Summary

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Power politics talks about the environmental justice activists around the Los Angeles area, where they gather to stop the injustice for their communities where corporate groups and city council agree on building factories, and construction of buildings where dangerous chemicals would be released or be close to thousands of people to one day be affected by physically and mentally by its down effects. Knowing how the location of where many minorities are located in California and in other parts of the country expand the knowing that the system is never in our favor and instead makes us live in unwelcoming and unhealthy locations. Many minorities are known for illnesses and health issues such as; asthma, diabetes, anemia and other health problems …show more content…

Many books do not say both sides of the story, and in this section we were able to read both sides the pros and the cons in having these structures be built. They clearly address, the steps and the Different in what way?different people and reactions they had to connect within order to make their voices heard. The biggest thing I learned and was surprised to see in the book was how much activism was done by its own students and teachers. It shows how much school activism has changed and seen more visible within minorities in their communities. Something negative that I did not like was the lack of pictures and examples of the flyers, paperwork they used for their activism and outreach. Having this added to the book, it would have made it more real to the readers and make it more helpful for students, teachers and community leaders who are reading and would want to do something similar to them. Also, something else that they should have added would be the opinions of more parents who would be the ones who would spend more time and most likely is stuck in there since they are limited to affording a better place.Power politics talks about the environmental justice activists around the Los Angeles area, where they gather to stop the injustice for their communities where corporate groups and city council agree on building factories, and construction of buildings where dangerous chemicals would be released or be close to thousands of people to one day be affected by physically and mentally by its down effects. Knowing how the location of where many minorities are located in California and in other parts of the country expand the knowing that the system is never in our favor and instead makes us live in unwelcoming and unhealthy locations. Many minorities are known for

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