Prejudice And Racism In Dorothy Field '

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The themes of the piece we most clearly wanted to communicate to the audience included racism, loss, bias, betrayal and revenge. I feel as though the ones we communicated most were certainly racism and loss. We showed racism in Dorothy Field's behaviour and actions towards Heiss Dun, the young German soldier who was not even old enough to be fighting in the war. One of the themes we could've emphasised more in these particular scenes was bias. Although it was clear that Dorothy was racist because she believed that the English were the protagonists and the Germans were the antagonists, we did not entirely use this opportunity to prove that the Germans were not always the bad ones apart from in Cavell's monologue when she said, 'The war has brought out the worst in all of us... …show more content…

If we'd used this theme more to our advantage we could've shown a marginally less biased opinion of the war to the audience. We could've also used the themes of racism and bias more by having more than one of the Nurses be racist. Other than Dorothy Field, Matron only wanted everybody to remain focused on the tasks at hand, no matter what side the patients were from. Heiss could've been slightly more reluctant to be taken in by the English nurses, showing that the Germans would've believed that our side were the villains in the story, not them. Appleton, although unhappy to be assigned to the Germans in the first place, eventually warmed up to