
Prejudice In 12 Angry Men

752 Words4 Pages

Maria Thennis
We believe what we want to believe

12 Angry Men, a story written by Reginald Rose, shows us the many prejudices that people hold. Race, culture, age and a person’s past all influence how they are seen by others, right, wrong or indifferent. This movie explores the strong views held by 12 men on a jury who asked to determine the guilt of a poor Puerto Rican boy with a criminal past who is convicted of killing his father.

In 12 Angry Men, 10th juror demonstrates how racism affects one's own beliefs and judgments. In the movie, 10th juror says “You’re not going to tell us we’re supposed to believe him, knowing what he is. I’ve lived among ‘em all my life. You can’t believe a word they say. You know that.” 10th juror believes …show more content…

4th juror has the strong opinion that where a person comes from is directly correlated to their character. He states, “This boy-let’s say he’s a product of a filthy neighborhood and a broken home. We can’t help that. We’re not here to go into reasons why slums are breeding grounds for criminals” Juror 4 believes because the defendant grew up in the slums, he is guilty of the crimes in which he is charged. Just like in our society today, many like Juror 4, believe that people who live in the inner cities are automatically gang members who commit crimes. We see that same judgement in the west of Native Americans that live on reservations. People, like Juror 4, believe that those who grow up in poverty are automatic criminals. They believe that poverty will push them to do anything they can to get what they want and need. In addition, the 8th juror states, “Look, this kid’s been kicked around all his life. You know, born in a slum. Mother dead since he was nine. He lived for a year and a half in an orphanage. That is not a very happy beginning.” This strengthens the jurors’ case that they boy is guilty because of where he grew up.

In 12 Angry Men, jurors believe that a person is incapable of ever doing right after he has done wrong. The 7th juror states, “Look at the kid’s record. He stole a car. He’s been arrested for mugging...He was picked up for knife fighting.” He believes that because of

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