Prescription Drug Abuse Pros And Cons

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As the documentary mentioned, "Prescription Drug Abuse is currenteltly the fastest growing epidemic in the U.S. Beliefs of teen youth such as presciption drugs being "much safer" than illegal drugs, and not addictive have lead to teen recreational use. Teens feel the drugs are easier to obtain through a doctor, parents medicine cabinet, or friends prescription. Due to the untrue beliefs about prescriton drugs and ease of obtaining them they can be easily abused. Prescription drugs make you feel good, loosen you up, and allow you to "fit in." Most teens are going thorugh a crtitical stage of brain development in which they feel misunderstood, and rebel. The idea of taking a pill to become a social butterfly seems like an easy fix. I have no …show more content…

Many of the parents were either oblivious to the struggles their teens were going through or didn't know the full extend. My advice to parent would be to educate yourself on all types of drug abuse and begin educating your kids at around ten years old. The film mentioned that most drug users started using between the ages of 10-14. No parent want's to belive there child would use drugs but as parent we need to open up our eyes and not be clouded in our judgement when it comes to our own children. Schools should educate students as soon as possible and not wait. Prescription drugs is a topic rarely dicsussed in school and needs to be covered. Further measures to be taken are training for school faculty about what to do when they suspect students are using drugs. Also a possiblle measure is involving parents and educating them on the issue. Maybe have a safe parent home list for parent's to sign to ensure no drugs or alcohol will be allowed on their property when other students are over. Law enforcement focus on the drug dealer of prescription drugs, and physicians prescribing them, It is tragic that physicians are so easily prescribing such heavy drugs to teens. More precautions need to be take and fines should be used as a warning measure. The funds they receive from the finds can go to battling the cause and perhaps creating more resources for addicts of prescription