Present Legal Concepts, Arguments And Policy Analysis

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1. Capability you wish to improve and reason why improvement is needed:
I wish to improve the following capability: “Recognise and define legal issues from a given fact scenario”. I believe that as a second year student it is paramount that I grasp this concept. Without the correct selection of facts in a scenario the entire concept can be incorrectly formulated having catastrophic affects. This element of a fact scenario will be a critical part in my university studies and life long career in law. In reflection I wish to improve these skills to enhance my professionalism and ongoing application of the law to the facts in a real life scenario throughout my working career.
Strategy for improving this capability:
Further application of these …show more content…

Capability you wish to improve and reason why improvement is needed:
I wish to improve the following capability: “Present legal concepts, arguments, counter-arguments and policy analysis clearly and in plain English”. My foundational skills as a lawyer stem from the capabilities as mentioned above. These skills will allow me to successfully advocate for my clients in negotiation and to apply the law. This foundation is to ensure I have the most just outcome for my clients. Currently in my role as law clerk I have to negotiate settlements with the respondent to the claim. I have found that sometimes I rush my words and don’t take my time when preparing what I am trying to say.

Strategy for improving this capability:
My strategy for improving this capability is to learn the legal concepts, practice expressing arguments and counter arguments, and also ensuring I understand the polices that govern the laws. I have two strategies I would like to utilise in the coming years; firstly I would like to attempt more negotiation practice at work and secondly I would like to get involved in some acting classes to assist in presenting and articulation of the English language. Throughout my final 3 years of my degree I plan on implementing these strategies to ensure I can improve in my capabilities to encompass the above mentioned improvement …show more content…

I believe that this subject LLH201 will enable me to build upon research skills so that any ethical dilemmas can be properly investigated and applied to the facts of any problem. I also believe that throughout my second and third year of studies I will continue to develop these skills to have an overall awareness of any ethical dilemmas in my future practice. Currently in my role as a law clerk I view medical records and have to asses what the client is reporting to us verses what they report to their GP. This involves have conversations about the ethical dilemmas of providing false information. This skill is an introduction to what my future career will involve. I believe that having a strong understanding about the implications of ethical dilemmas is a good foundation to ensuring ethical