Presidential Debate Ethos Pathos Logos

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In a formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward, a debate is formed. One debate, the Presidential Debate, is focusing on one question what makes a good president? The two candidates, one of which will soon be the President, uses a mix of eye contact and physical movement to get the audience's attention and show what they mean and what they are feeling they also use things like pathos, ethos, logos, the rhetorical analysis and fallacies to help support their debate. In the Presidential Debate, both candidates use rhetorical analysis, such as ethos (Credibility) in their responses to the questions that they were given by the audience. When being used, the candidates were mostly attacking each others ethos. For example, when Clinton said, “when I …show more content…

But when doing this he was only focusing on some specific things about a certain health care system. Trump had said “Obamacare where your health insurance and health care is going up by numbers that are astronomical: 68%, 59%, 71%”(CBSNewsOnline). When Trump said this it can put in as a fallacy of cherry picking because Trump is focusing only on the negatives of Obamacare he is just pinpointing one thing about it while Clinton comes back and says all the other things that are good. This part of the debate as Trump is using numbers from ObamaCare, he is using logos, Trump is bringing in logic to his side of the argument. Trying to show how bad the ObamaCare system by saying how the health care system has gone up tremendously, he is showing how, one he does not like Obamacare and two how for those who can’t afford it should vote for him to be president because he would fix it. When Trump says this he is getting on the side of people who now cannot afford a quality health care plan because they are too