Pretty Girl Scenario Summary

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In the What Would You Do we saw a video where there is sexism and racism with this said that means people will judge you for your race and gender. In Scenario 1: A White Guy, Scenario 2: Black Guy, and in Scenario 3: Pretty Girl. My point is now that what will happen in these scenarios and what are people's reaction?

In scenario 1: White Guy, there is a white male at least 16-17 years old and is stealing a bike, in an open area, where people can see him, in a park. He tries to saw the chain, then clip, next he grinds the chain. With this in mind people are looking but they don't even care nor intervene, but they don't intervene because they are scared and their morals also come in play. Until a couple of old people come and stop him. 2% of people stop the white guy. Some women come around and they say first impression matters, but what does that mean? That may mean that if you are black or from a different race they may judge you a bit differently.

In scenario 2: Black Guy, he is a male and just the …show more content…

I goes from race to sex; white and black males to pretty girls. Funny thing Is, is everyone helps. How ironic is that! A person said “ i was only helping a deer, she needed to be saved.” Another person said “i was helping steal it because i'm a gentleman.” They may do it to get a woman's approval. We may never know people like to have a woman's approval to feel better about themselves. Another male said “women are innocent they don't steal.” How does a good person become bad? By not knowing when to help a person. Attractiveness=good person can use it to its advantage. Women are going to call the police but the men are helping why is that? Men are going to be so nice and be a gentleman to a woman and a white guy. But, when you see a black guy you just know something is going to go up or down or some direction but it's going to be