Pride In The Kite Runner

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Pride is something that all humans are victims to having. “There are two kinds of pride, both good and bad. 'Good pride' represents our dignity and self-respect. 'Bad pride' is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of conceit and arrogance” - John C. Maxwell. In The Kite Runner by Hosseini, Amir and Hassan show great differences in pride but Amir’s is more damaging. The comparison stems from the cowardness and jealousy they both exhibit, which effectively mutilates their relationship. Amir is a coward and has trouble standing up and speaking out because of his pridefulness. Hassan does not have this problem as he is able to stick up for his best friend. Amir is also a very jealous friend and subjects this jealousy to Hassan. This differs …show more content…

Thus affecting their relationship and values. At Hassan’s expense, Amir refused to save him from torment and a traumatic experience. “I opened my mouth and almost said something. Almost. The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. But I didn't. I just watched it. Paralyzed (Houseni 62).” Amir was the only bystander to this wicked experience that Hassan faced. He was put into a situation where his body was violated and his innocence was taken away. Amir, as his best friend, had a duty to at least try and protect him. Instead, he chose to watch as Hassan’s life unraveled by this incident. Amir’s conviction and hate were so damaging to Hassan’s mental and physical well-being. His cowardness stemmed from his pride and therefore had lasting damage on Hassan and the storyline between …show more content…

“He was still clapping. ‘It was great, Amir Agha. Will you read me more of it tomorrow?’(Houseni 33).” Hassan was a servant to Amir. He could not read or write. Hassan cherished the times when Amir would read to him and share his knowledge of books. Instead of feeling envy, he is happy for his friend. He explores his interests and asks questions. Hassan always asked for more. Hassan could be jealous that Amir is better at him at something, but instead, he decides to lift him and support him. Hassan never showed a hint of prideHassan was never once envious of Amir and the great things he accomplished. He encouraged and supported him. This was different than the way Amir acted towards Hassan because he always acted on his jealousy-fueled desires to hurt Hassan. Amir’s pride was once again damaging them by being jealous of Hassan’s relationships and