Primary Introduction And Reflection

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Story Telling: The importance of delving deeply into as wide a range of data sources and academic resources to be able to create a credible and relatable story. Primary Introduction and Reflection The purpose of this, my reflective essay, is to consider the journey I have taken to develop and create both the story research task and the story task. In the first task I was asked to do an in-depth research on a topic that was trending or perceived as popular with a wide and varied audience. Accordingly, this would be a topic that would be seen to span a range of Social Media and established news sources. While, in the second task, I was directed to create a well-structured article based on the topic and crafted to meet the well-established journalistic …show more content…

Moreover, as a Christian, I have been raised with a concept of a world that did not rely on physical financial transactions. This was established through readings of the book of Revelations in Bible. Notwithstanding a document that articulated a time when there would be some sort of ‘Mark’ that would allow people to make transactions without the need of money. Discussions on this topic focussed on the concept that alluded to through the concept of a tattoo. While with the invention of micro-chips have now created a whole new consideration of what this mark may be. Subsequently the combination of my Christian faith and several news reports of people having micro-chips implanted so as to buy without the need to carry money seemed to me to be a strong consideration for researching this as a worthy storyline for both assignments. Searching for information that related to my chosen topic proved to be problematic as many data algorithms were pre-set to my previous searches, which created a narrower search result than I had hoped …show more content…

I was comfortable enough with the acronym PERS (Plan, Evaluate, Review and Synthesise) though I could have spent more time making sure each step had been properly explored and developed. I now believe my strategy was a little too generalised and vague. That was to look at growing trends towards a cashless world with the book of Revelations as a guiding factor. This may have clouded the end results. While my ability to clearly evaluate the range of data and references could have been better if I had taken time to resource a larger range of sources. Reviewing was easy enough as the thesis of the argument was already set. This too could have been allowed to be explored for inbuilt personal fallacies and bias. As for my ability to synthesise (Mateos & Sole, 2009) the information into an easily readable article, I am pleased that I am competent enough string words fluidly, even if they at times may lack the depth of conviction that I would have desired to have