English Composition Course Reflection

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Tawney Nodland – As I look back over the past semester of English Composition, I realize that I have grown as a writer. Not onlyhas my understanding of the writing process changed, my whole attitude towards composition has too. This composition course has made a significant impact on my learning experience and has given me tools to take forward into my future educational and professional goals. Throughout this course, I have discovered things about myself as a writer and know some of my strengths and weaknesses. I now feel more prepared for future writing assignments, whether for work or for school. With the instruction given to me over the past few months, I have grown as a writer and gained confidence in my writing skills. When I …show more content…

The weekly reading assignments were very helpful. Some of the topics were great refreshers of common mistakes made when writing; these knocked some of the cobwebs in my mind loose. The other topics with sample writings gave me an idea of what to do. The instructor feedback and the revision recommendations were probably the most helpful tools in my composition process. The skills and knowledge that I have gained in this course will help me to write better works in the future. I have grown as a more competent and skilled writer over the past semester. I can take what I have learned and not only use it in future college level writing but also in my profession as a nurse. Today, I feel much more prepared to take on a writing assignment. In this class, I have learned several ways to organize my thoughts and ideas and turn them into a well thought out project. I now have a foundation and a structure to build upon and the knowledge needed to reflect and revise my composition into a well-finished piece of …show more content…

I took the time to write out an outline for this essay to help manage the chaos that is my writing, unlike my other essays for the course. As I said before, I have learned to question the structure of my paragraphs. For example: when I was revising the Composing Process essay, I noticed that a set of paragraphs could be rearranged and partially rewritten to improve the structure and make the essay flow better. However, I would argue that my Justification video assignment demonstrates my assertion better than my revised essays. From the beginning, I laid out a clear path that my Justification video needed to follow. With my written essays, I simply revised the essays as I wrote. So, I assert that this course has helped me learn to manage my writing efforts a bit