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Cruel animal testing
Cruel animal testing
Animal cruelty experimentations
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Summary: In the article, Of Primates and Personhood: Will According Rights and “Dignity” to Nonhuman Organisms Halt Research by Ed Yong, he approaches the issue of the rights to apes confronted by a pending Spanish law. The Great Ape Project (GAP), established in 1993, demands a basic set of morals and legal rights for chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and orangutans. In June, GAP was able to persuade the Spanish Parliament’s environmental committee to approve a resolution supporting these goals. Fortunately, other countries also took steps to protect great apes from experimentation.
Lori Gruen's "Captive Kin" takes a look at what it is like being held captive. She asks the reader to look at whether imprisoning apes or humans does harm to them even though they may deserve captivity as a punishment. She goes on to explore whether animals engage in autonomous behaviors, not by verbalization, but by non-language behaviors. Lastly the author brings to light the need to hold some animals’ captive due to the moral implications of releasing them back to the wild.
The article, “Of Primates and Personhood: Will According Rights and “Dignity” to Nonhuman Organisms Halt Research?” by Ed Yong is trying to convince the reader to see a different side to primates. The Great Ape Project set legal rights for chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and orangutan. United Kingdom and New Zealand protect great apes from experimentation. For the Great Ape Project they are basically setting laws and higher standards for primates to me experimented on or held captive.
Thanks to the collective efforts of celebrities and concerned organizations, the monkeys were spared from being used as guinea pigs for an otherwise “cruel”
When I first read about the Scopes Monkey Trail I wasn’t sure what side I wanted to choose. While both sides made great points I agree more with the school teacher John Scopes and his attorney Clarence Darrow. If I was a juror I would not vote to convict John Scopes. Often Christian parents try to shield their children from anything they feel is unchristian like. These children aren’t going to live in Dayton, Tennessee their whole lives, when they go off to college or move away from home there are going to be people whether it’s a professor, spouse, coworker or friend that will teach them about evolution and other subjects the parents my feel are unchristian like so why not prepare them for their future and teach them these things now?
Sapolsky Essay on the Moral Question Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”. Robert Sapolsky, the author of A Primate’s Memoir, witnessed Game Park Rangers in Kenya dispersing the meat of a zebra that they killed. The game wardens killed the vulnerable zebra illegally only because they wanted the meat. Their reasoning was that they were not receiving a salary from the warden, but instead the warden was keeping the money for himself. The question is, are these game wardens poachers?
Non-human primate testing is undeniably inhumane and cruel. However, I believe that it is a necessary evil that needs ethical improvement. While scientist are waiting for new alternative breakthroughs, they should also be in the process of adding enrichment activities when studying primates in order to get more true data and experiments. There’s no doubt primate testing can be a merciless task.
Although some may think of metaphor as ornamental and inapplicable for use in subjects other than English literature, metaphors are necessary for communication in all fields. The use of metaphor is especially crucial in the field of education, where students cannot be taught without the use of metaphor because one cannot understand completely new ideas without making a connection to previously known information (Reddy). Textbooks readily employ metaphor in order to convey new information to students. Pages 28-29 of The Primate Family Tree by Ian Redmond illustrates the evolution of primates through a diagram of a tree and describes how the theory of evolution has changed since the nineteenth century. The Primate Family Tree willfully utilizes
The Earth's climate went through several major changes throughout the Tertiary period that led to the flourishing of primate species and the extinction of other primate species. The plesiadaptiforms, which are not considered real primates because of the lack of key primate features, went extinct at the end of the Paleocene epoch. At the beginning of the Eocene epoch came the euprimates, considered the first real primates, whose features made them well-adapted to arboreal life. Euprimates had convergent eye orbits, opposable digits, nails, and larger brains than plesiadaptiforms. This coincides with a period of global warming which made for a more tropical and forested habitat.
Discursive Essay (1st Draft) – Kevin Cho I have detested animal testing ever since I watched a document showing orangutan tortured to death during the animal testing. I was physically and mentally sick when I looked into its eyes. Now, while you are reading this essay, perhaps holding a scrumptious apple pie in your hand, hundreds of, thousands of feeble animals are dying by inhumane animal tests.
Many Primates go insane, rocking back and forth, pacing endlessly in the cages, and engaging in repetitive motions such as back-flipping. The primates also self harm themselves by tearing out their own hair or biting their own flesh. There was video footage taken inside Covance, the University of Utah, and the Oregon National Primate Research Center illustrates the extent of the insanity that can result when primates are completely deprived of meaningful sensory stimulation. The procedures they do to primates are Pharmaceutical tests which is a thick gavage tubes are forced up primates’ nostrils or down the animals’ throats so that experimental drugs can be pumped into their stomach, Vaccine tests is when chimpanzees and rhesus monkey are given
Humans have been examining and studying non-human primates for ages in an attempt to further understand the reasoning behind human behavior and base instinct. While it would be ideal to study non-human primates in the wild, away from possible interference from human civilization, that is often not the case, especially for students, and in this case the non-human primates have been observed within captivity. Specifically, the species observed were the Tufted Capuchin monkey (Cebus apella) and the common squirrel monkey (Saimiri sciureus) at the Living Links to Human Evolution Research Centre in Edinburgh Zoo. The tufted capuchin monkey is most commonly found within the neotropical regions of South America including: Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Suriname,
Studying captive primates can help us learn not only how they behave, but also how they are similar or different to each other and humans as well as give us insight into the effects of captivity. This paper will be describing, comparing, and contrasting the behavior of two species of captive primates at the Alexandria Zoo, golden lion tamarins and howler monkeys, as well as discussing the possible effects captivity could have had on them. This paper will also discuss any human-like behaviors observed in the two primate species and what we as humans could learn about our own behavior by studying primates. The two primates I observed were 1 of 3 golden lion tamarins (Leontopithecus rosalia) all of unknown gender and a solitary female howler
Different stories, Same goal. Do you think democracy in fair? In “12 Angry Men” by Reginald Rose and “Democracy” by Langston Hughes both authors want justice for people . However, Rose states that everyone has a say in democracy while Hughes wants blacks to have freedom in democracy.
Been wondering if solar or wind power would be a good option for your home, if so which system does one go with, is there better options? The average power bill in Georgia is $123 a month, this past month at my house the bill was $208. Companies like Tesla are getting into the solar market, and some of the biggest solar panel companies are getting into the residential market here soon. Or, is wind-powered the best way to go? One can only get power from solar panels when the sun is out and a windmill can run 24 hours a day.