Persuasive Essay On Solar System

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Been wondering if solar or wind power would be a good option for your home, if so which system does one go with, is there better options? The average power bill in Georgia is $123 a month, this past month at my house the bill was $208. Companies like Tesla are getting into the solar market, and some of the biggest solar panel companies are getting into the residential market here soon. Or, is wind-powered the best way to go? One can only get power from solar panels when the sun is out and a windmill can run 24 hours a day. Is there something new out on the market that can help to lower your bill?
Before, you get carried away with buying a power system for your home. There are many ways to cut your power bill, before spending tens of thousands …show more content…

There are three types: 1. Tied into the grid. Tying the system straight into the grid, it's cheaper, and it goes straight to the power company lowering your bill. 2. Tied into a battery storage system. This is the least effective option because one can only use what they can store. Once the system is full, the power is wasted, till they use the power they already have stored. 3. Tied into a battery storage system and the grid. The power one produces will go to their batteries and charge them. Once their full, the excess will be sent to the power company, lowering the monthly bill. Unlike in option two, the batteries are tied into your house. So, the next time when all your friend's loss power because of the weather, your system will switch over to your batteries. With some of the newest modules on the market, they switch so fast that your lights won't dim or flash.
When looking into solar one needs to know how many hours of daylight they get. Just because it's daylight doesn't mean that you're at peak sunlight hours. The sun may rise at 6 am and set at 9 pm in the summer, but one may only get 8 hours of peak power production. What is the cloud coverage like in that area? The more days of cloud coverage the less direct sunlight, which means the less power will be produced. So if one lives in a place like Seattle, Washington, then they shouldn't be looking into solar