Prison Industrial Abolition

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The creation of prisons were established around the time of the emancipation of slavery. The black community were released from the horrific life they faced when living in slavery, but slavery was not over. Once the African American’s were free society configured a plan that would put an end to the freedom of slaves. The creation of prisons, allowed society the ability to enact a formal genocide of black people by placing them in cages. The roles of prisons over time as established locations that conduct inhuman treatment of Americans, primarily those who are colored, immigrants and other communities labeled as inferior to whites. The problem that arises from the creation of prison is a term known as Prison Industrial Complex. The prison industrial …show more content…

The primary focus on abolition is through changing funding (Capitalism), the ideologies associated with people based on their race, class and gender (Socially) and the commonality that everyone is a person who does not deserve to be treated as an animal (Moraly). Together these three critiques of prisons and need for abolition create a queer political framework when addressing the abolition movement. The term queer does not define a person or thing, queer in the context used here defines a political framework that goes against all social norms. The fight against prisons is a queer approach because there is no exact definition of what a world without prisons would look like. In the interviews “Death and Other Penalties,” multiple scholars regarding prisons discuss the idea of queer theory and abolition as a queer movement. Chee Gossett adheres to queer prison abolition as, “critical theory [that] reinvigorates queer/and or trans abolitionists imaginaries and collective energies so often at risk of dissolution into exclusively nonprofit brand forms of organizing that are compatible with rather than dynamically and principally opposed to, prevailing neoliberal carceral multicultural culture” (Adalbert, Guenther and Zeeman 269). The statement Gosset makes addresses neoliberalism in America. Neoliberal policies symbolizes the presence of material equality but structural …show more content…

The need for abolition is greater then ever before with her policing that is present in the state during 2015. Mothers revive calls their teen son was arrested, with no reason why. The creation of prisons takes the necessary funding away from schools, healthcare, mental facilities, and public spaces to place the funds to creating more prisons. The government uses tax payer’s dollars to build places that kill people physically and mentally. The tolls one faces when in prison or existing prison dehumanizes them. Abolition needs to be the call to action and must be achieved sooner, rather than later when carouse ensues and there is no turning