Pros And Cons Of The Prison-Industrial Complex

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2. The Prison-Industrial Complex introduced by Eric Schlosser, is a theory that claims that the prison system is constructed by political pressures, economic requirements, and commercial demands. The prison system has been continuously growing in the last three decades, regardless of the actual need for it. The PIC is specifically harmful to the most vulnerable of people, such as homeless people, mentally ill, etc. The PIC does more harm, than good, therefore, it is a poor system all-around. The prison system prior to 1973 was seen as an ineffective way of controlling crime, and Congress was starting to loosen up the drug laws; crime was declining quite tremendously, federal prisons were starting to close, and drugs were seen more as more …show more content…

prison system are African-American, and their voice seems to go undetected since the enforcement of Rockefeller drug laws, and even backdating to the slavery era. Political activists such as Martin Luther King, Jr. and Angela Davis fought for their rights, and made the people more aware of this predated complex toward African-Americans that was determining the fate of African-Americans throughout the U.S. The FBI attempted to silence known African-American activists by publicly defaming them, and scaring Americans into feeling threatened by people of color. This defamation of African-Americans set the tone for decades to follow, and still haunts African-Americans today. The prison-industrial complex is a corrupt political system that consists of overpowered politicians whose sole ambition is exploiting poor, uneducated, and under-privileged Americans to make money. Although, it wasn’t initially the purpose when Rockefeller started the war on drugs, but he started something bigger than he could’ve imagined at that time. The prison system has been proven to be ineffective, and costly waste of resources. However, it probably won’t be abolished due to the cash flow that it brings to some of the largest corporations in the