Privacy Violations In Christina Orwell's 1984?

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Are the privacy violations Americans face today similar to the privacy violations in 1984? There are some people who believe that there is a lot of similarities with how much the government violates our privacy in real life and in the book. New technology means new ways for the government to keep track of us. Also they can detect the dangers people put others in. The privacy violations Americans experience today are similar to the privacy violations in 1984 because the government can hear our conversations, know our locations, see what you have been searching for.
First of all, in 1984 the government uses many different ways to watch over every citizen in their community. The government uses telescreens to watch over their community all the time.”The instrument (the Telescreen,it was called) could be dimmed, but there was no way of shutting it off completely”(Orwell,pg.2). In the book 1984 there was always somebody watching you if it wasn’t the telescreens, it was the kids if it wasn’t the kids, then it was the people who loved Big Brother like O’brien. ”In the far distance a helicopter skimmed down between the roofs, hovered for an instant like a bluebottle, and darted away again with a curving flight. It was the Police Patrol, snooping …show more content…

If our phone can help us find our way to our destination it is keeping track of our every move, even if we don’t want it to it is always keeping track of us.”IPS service could easily track you--as long as your mobile devices’ Wi-Fi is turned on”(DesMarais,pg.75). Your phone can still track you as long as it has Wi-Fi and it doesn’t need to be on for the government to be able to track you. So if you like having privacy don’t bother getting a