Privileges And Oppressions In The Girls From Corona Del Mar

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Part II: Advantages, Disadvantages, Privileges, and Oppressions
In the novel, “The Girls from Corona Del Mar,” the two main characters, Mia and Lorrie Ann face several advantages, disadvantages, privileges, and oppressions.

Advantages and Privileges
Mia possesses various advantageous qualities that offer her a leg up in a variety of circumstances, notwithstanding her challenging upbringing in a dysfunctional family. She possesses exceptional intelligence, ambition, and determination, and is skilled at quick and logical thinking. Moreover, Mia has advantageous experiences, including access to high-quality educational opportunities that have enabled her to accomplish her objectives, such as graduating from the prestigious Yale University. This achievement further enhanced her advantages in life, leading her to succeed in her career and find fulfillment in her chosen profession. Additionally, Mia has access to resources that have allowed her to achieve specific goals, such as having a safe abortion that enabled her to continue pursuing her academic aspirations and career, a privilege not available to young women in some other parts of the world. …show more content…

Mia elaborates on Lorrie Ann’s advantages in the first chapter of this novel, describing her family as ‘magic’ and asserting that “this magic transferred to Lorrie Ann herself” (Thorpe, Chapter One: The Best Tea in the World 2015). Additionally, Mia portrays Lorrie Ann as a beautiful and charming individual who is widely admired and liked by others. Lorrie Ann’s advantageous attributes encompass her physical beauty, pleasing personality, and exceptional social