Pro Euthanasia Persuasive Essay

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In our society, a human life is valued more predominantly than animals and other living creatures as a result of our beliefs and mindsets as human beings. As a result, one’s question of whether or not euthanasia is an ethical method resolves around the meaning of human existence. People who favor euthanasia argue that human life is sacred no matter what the conditions are surrounding it, but that suffering can be a part of the human spirit and is a matter of nature. However, pro-euthanasia people argue that this method puts an end to excruciating physical pain that cannot be relieved by modern drugs and treatment. Therefore, as a decision of circumstance, people should be given their right to decide their own fates from carefully considered choices, especially in connection with matters such as health. …show more content…

Furthermore, despite state-of-the-art extensive care and treatments, many terminally ill patients will experience intense physical and existential suffering from their untreatable illnesses. Majority charts reveal over 90 percent of people with terminal illness will endure their painful situation, but between 5-10 percent will find it intolerable and request euthanasia (South Australia Euthanasia Society, 33-34). Some terminal situations that are hopeless and excruciating to let an individual even attempt to live through a single year would be considered cruel and selfish without the use of euthanasia because these diseases truly exist. Spinal Cancer with nerve root pain or paraplegia is one of the worst possible situations because the person is confined to a bed with episodic excruciating pain with simple movement. One must ask themselves if a letting a person suffer is truly a faithful or selfish course of action, but the person suffering deserves the opportunity to make their final