
Problem And Evaluating Insights Paper

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STEP 6 Analyzing the Problem and Evaluating Insights

STEP 6 states researchers to present the research with the challenge “to view the problem through the perspective of each relevant discipline and then evaluate each discipline’s insights concerning the problem to reveal their strengths and limitations” (Repko & Szostak, 2017, p.180). There are multiple relevant disciplines when answering the question of how training programs can be made increasingly influential on making society aware of the freshwater scarcity issue and the importance of practicing water conservation efforts. One of these relevant disciplines is that of Human Resource Development. Human Resource Development “is seen as parallel or alongside Human Resource and other organizational disciplines in promoting workplace learning and performance” (Werner, 2014, p.129). Human Resource Development provides the insight on the factors to consider and resources needed to construct a training program that not only will bring awareness to the general society; but will also be influential in the importance of practicing water conservation efforts.This reason and the information provided from the resources I have used in my research are what have only enforced my decision to use Human Resource Development as one of my disciplines for my research. …show more content…

This article is a quality source of information in providing the statistical information produced on awareness of the issue, consequences if conservation efforts are not made, and developing an interdisciplinary approach to the research problem. Authors, Mekonnen and Hoekstra, bring solid statistical information to the geographic and demographic impact on the issue. In addition to this information, they also discuss the methods they believe should be taken to reduce the threat presented by water

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