Process Essay: How Long Will My Dog Live?

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How Long Will My Dog Live?

Having dogs as companions is one of the few great things and feelings in life. We may also know them as ‘man’s best friend’. And when we have gone really attached to them, we even consider them as part of our own family. We watched them grow and took care of them both physically and mentality with our unconditional love. But throughout these long, best, and quality time spent with them, there’ll be a point where we’ll ask ourselves, “How long will my dog live?” This question will linger in our minds at times maybe after we’ve had a great time with our dogs or when we see them particularly getting weaker as they grow old. We contemplate on the obvious fact that we people do live longer than dogs. And we are stuck on the thought and realization that death definitely and really is an inevitable thing. On a study that I’ve read, it said that to identify dog’s life expectancy, dog owners can use their dog’s weight to help determine how long he or she would be expected to live. Generally, small breeds of dogs have a longer lifespan compared to larger dogs. According to recent analysis of veterinary records, it revealed that dogs under 20 pounds had an average lifespan of 11 years while those over 90 pounds will typically live for only 8 years. Medium and large dogs fall in …show more content…

Dogs in all shapes and sizes, with them having different life expectancies, are all to be taken care and importance of. With large breeds having the sooner mortality, this just explains that they grow and age faster than smaller dogs. So if you have or are thinking about owning a dog, it’s important to know the specifications of the dog. We should be mindful and ready to accept that dogs will do age and get weaker as the time goes by and will soon face