Procrastination By John Rampton: Article Analysis

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Procrastination Can people achieve success through procrastination? Is Procrastination a good thing to do? People may have different opinions about that however John Rampton, the writer, has his own opinion and he is trying convince us with it throughout the article. He talks about procrastination in different ways. First of all, john begins with an important point about whether procrastination is bad or not, how people and different civilizations throughout the history thought about it and how many famous well known people procrastinate. After that, he mentions the scientific reasons for why people procrastinate in the first place. Finally, he states the benefits for procrastination according to his opinion. Although he writes about the idea in an awesome way( from every …show more content…

It needs no telling that When you make decisions under pressure and near deadlines they are going to be poor ones in most cases for sure. In addition to that, to stress on my point, according to Kristin O’ Donovan, the founder and CEO of “TopResultsCoaching” international company, Procrastination change the circumstances under which you should take your decisions which will result in terrible decision making. (8 ways procrastination can destroy your life). Another false assumption john used to convince the readers with his idea, is how procrastination help you complete more tasks. I consider it a false one because Procrastinators usually leave their work until the very end, when deadline is close, so they don’t have enough time to finish their tasks. Finally, to back up my opinion, “Procrastinators end up suffering more and performing worse than other people” (why wait? The science behind procrastination). In conclusion we get that procrastination negatively affects decision making and doesn’t give you the chance to finish your

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