Progressive Income Tax In The United States

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In the United States, we favor progressive income tax. It is a taxing mechanism in which the taxing authority charges more taxes as the income of the taxpayer increases. A lower tax is collected from taxpayers earning less. The higher class is affected more by this taxation, because they are taxed higher than the middle and lower class. Many people argue that this taxation is not fair, because the higher class, just like the middle and low class, work for their money, and should not be punished for their wealth by paying higher. “Fairness under a proportional or flat tax emphasizes equality: Everyone tax should be subject to the same tax rules, and therefore, everyone should pay the same tax rate and bear the same relative tax burden.” Any of the working classes will bear some type of burden, but this type of taxation ensures that every citizen is taxed fairly and equally. …show more content…

“... We must make it clear beyond peradventure that our aim is to distribute the burden of supporting the Government more equitable than the present; that we intent to treat rich man and poor man on the basis of absolute equality, and that we regard it as equally fatal to true democracy to do or permit injustice to the one as to do or permit injustice to the other.” The progressive tax does not ensure the fairness to the higher class by increasing their taxes, just because they earn more money. It makes it harder for the higher class to keep the money that they have earned rightfully and use it to promote their career or future. “As Americans we should insist on equality in our tax code -- and begin the next millennium by making the progressive income tax an oddity of our history, not a burden of our