Progressivism And The Progressive Movement

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Once reconstruction had been unraveled, Americans were eager to progress the United States and better this nation socially, politically and economically. Progressive People during this time desired to move from the original farming scenario, into more urban settings and city like areas. Some progressive people rejected social Darwinism and challenged the ideas of the Laissez-faire, and idolized the ideals of pragmatism—which is relying on human experience to define any truth—but that was just the beginning. Many of the progressivists wanted to reform the government and economic systems, due to accelerated urban growth and imbalance in economic power between the upper-class and the lower-class. Leaders like Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt are highly associated with aiding with these political issues of progressivism. In addition, many social issues stemmed from political issues, such as the women’s suffrage, alcohol prohibition, birth control, and immigration. Stemming from these origins, the progressive movement impacted the U.S with the passing of the Nineteenth Amendment for women’s suffrage, Alcohol Prohibition and Immigration restriction, Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal, and Woodrow Wilson’s Freedom Agenda. All of these contributions to progression were all inspired by the same ideology that government should, in fact, be involved with these reforms. Once the fourteenth and fifteenth amendment was passed, black men had rights to citizenship as well as voting in