Prohibition Dbq

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Prohibition in the United States was seen as a “Noble Experiment” by the Federal government as it was seen as a way to reduce or eradicate any case of crime as well as to improve the livelihoods of many Americans. However in the end you can't stop people who enjoy drinking alcohol on the daily. There were many reasons as to why prohibition came into effect notably having to do with housewifes and children as many of them were beaten and or killed with the death toll around 1000 per year although this is highly debated whether it was alcohol that caused these deaths or people's willingness to commit such atrocious acts, this led to many to protest alcoholic products which is why groups were formed the “Dries” which were well organized and the “Wets” who did not function and since the First World War was in effect and many breweries were German this boded well for the wets as they had an excuse as to why alcohol was bad and how the soldiers needed a better home when they returned. …show more content…

People believed that Prohibition would last for a few years as alcohol created jobs for many mainy in saloons and was also a part of the traditional American

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