Project Management Quality Methodologies Analysis

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Project Management Quality Methodologies Tools
In order to achieve successful results within established time-frames and budgets, project managers are likely to employ methodologies models. A project methodology is a model that aids managers to plan, design and implement their project goals. Project methodologies are helpful to project manager in any field, for instance, Niel Nickolaisen CIO at the Western Governors University, is an advocate for the agile software development methodology. As these models grants flexibility when dealing with stipulations and scope changes on a project. Needless to say the agile software development methodology is just one example of a varied assortment of methodologies, each with their strengths and weakness. …show more content…

Kamikazi Software System is a company that focus on the development of websites for both businesses and consumers. They managed to attain a great reputation and success, however they were soon to realize the flaws in their business procedures. The flaws in their business method became apparent when they noticed patterns that suggested that their small projects were becoming a burden. These projects were simply not meeting their margins, and as the business grew and the demand for their services increased, it became obvious that their way of managing projects wouldn’t hold up. However, they took notice of the fact that while their clients were happy with the product received, their satisfaction was accomplished only after various unplanned revisions of these projects. As such, Kamikazi Software System adopted the adaptive project framework in particular the concept of gradual results, which helped as these were planned checkpoints that allowed them to maintain a constant budget and timeline of competition. The end results were an increase in client acceptance and a decrease in the time it took to complete projects. In summary, the adaptive project framework proved itself to be useful, as it helped not only their business approach but also the ways by which they handled quality …show more content…

Essentially there are four main steps which are involved within Quality Management which consist of: Approach, Deploy, Results, and Improve. In the Approach stage we are asking “What is there to do?”, we can derive these requirements from either an organizational guiding statements or its overall objectives through certain goals and these may be achieved, (i.e. written policies). Next in the Deploy stage we ask ourselves “How do we do it?”. This is putting into perspective whether or not how effective our approach is being put into effect, or its operational impact through the business process. Within the Results phase we ask “What are our outcomes?”, or is the organization receiving the desired results from the solution which was deployed for them? Also is our deployment achieving the planned approach? Finally, we arrive at the Improvement stage where we ask “How can we improve our Approach and Deployment stages to gain a much more satisfying Results?”. This stage may vary from project to project but ultimately we want to know if the organization is actively and continuously engaged with understanding its performance in each of the A-D-R stages? While each stage is independent from the others, they each offer a valuable role when it comes to the Quality Management process. Not all Quality Management