The Importance Of Universal Healthcare In The United States

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In the U.S, the citizens and government have been working at getting a universal healthcare system for nearly a decade. Many times, advocates for a universal system such as this, have believed that they were on the verge of success, but time and time again they got shot down. Other countries such as Sweden, Denmark, and France have had universal healthcare since the 1890’s, almost as long the U.S has been trying to get it themselves. During this time the U.S government left the matter of healthcare into the hands of the states, and the states left it into the hands of private and voluntary programs, which of course, eventually lead to the wealthy having more benefits because they were able to able to afford what these programs had to offer …show more content…

The main reason healthcare is so hard to have in the U.S and the reason so many citizens disagree with it is because if the government were to make it free and available to everyone is because it would increase our debt and deficit. “Spending on Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children's Health Insurance Program, all government programs that provide a right to health care for certain segments of the population, totaled less than 10% of the federal budget in 1985, but by 2012 these programs took up 21% of the federal budget” (ProCon). Another reason so many people disagree with having a universal system is because some people believe it’s not right for the citizens who have to pay more taxes for healthcare when they can pay for it already. "Free health care isn't really free since we must pay for it with taxes; expenses for health care would have to be paid for with higher taxes or spending cuts in other areas such as defense, education, etc.” …show more content…

This topic is a great example of liberal v.s conservative. On the liberal side, they believe that it is everyone's right to healthcare because it’s not equal if less fortunate families don’t have any. In the other more conservative, side they believe that they need to conserve the nation's money for more important things such as military and education. This topic of healthcare is very important in today's day and age because it affects people all the time. I also feel very strongly about this topic because I think that everyone should be healthy and happy and that is what is truly