The Importance Of Universal Healthcare

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We the people, of the United States, want to be independent. We want to be different and provide for ourselves. We don’t want to be like the rest of the developed world. So we don’t have something that nearly every developed country in the world has: universal healthcare. Though it is seen internationally as a human right(1) and we are more than wealthy enough to provide this service to our citizens, we still refuse to provide healthcare for everyone in our country. But why?

Why the United States Doesn’t Have Universal Healthcare

In Australia, the rich have to pay more taxes so that the poor can get better healthcare. In Sweden, nobody gets to see a specialist unless absolutely necessary. And, in Canada, hospitals are non-profits.(2) None of these scenarios would seem pleasant to a typical American citizen but all of these countries have something that we don’t. That thing is practically free healthcare for everyone, the ability to go to the doctor and get taken care of for nearly no out of pocket cost, never having to worry about what your insurance does or does not cover, not going bankrupt over medical expenses. Sounds nice doesn’t it? So why do we not have a system like this in …show more content…

We are a very rich country and we want to stay that way. In the US everything comes down to profit. And the medical industry makes a lot of profit. This is one of the main reasons that the US does not like the idea of universal healthcare as it is seen as a loss of profit and a form of socialism. American culture is typically very anti-socialism. We don’t want share; we want to get rich. Therefore, in America, people are often expected to work for themselves to provide for themselves and benefit themselves. Universal healthcare goes against many of these standards and, as a result, America doesn’t have universal healthcare. In fact, in a recent poll, 54% of Americans were against the idea of government implemented universal