Pros And Cons Of Abina

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Adjuah N’Yamiwhah’s testimony states, multiple times, that Abina was sold by her husband, Yowahwah to Quamina Eddoo, who is the defendant. She also explains that Abina was treated like a slave. She explains how she talked to Yowahwah about Abina, and that he confirms that he had sold her as a slave to Quamina Eddoo “I asked him, and he said he had sold her to Quamina Eddoo.” ( N’Yamiwhah, 103). During her testimony, some details contradicts to Abina’s testimony. She states that Abina was sold on Monday, on Tuesday her husband made his purchases and then he left on Wednesday, also Abina did not carry any of those goods. On the other hand, Abina stats that she carried the goods, and then she was sold. There testimonies contradict, but on small

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